Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I missed American Idol last night because the homeschool group had a going away dinner for me, but I made sure to watch it tonight. I'd much rather have spent the night with those wonderful ladies than in front of the TV anyway! I also tried to watch some youtube vid's of last nights show but didn't get to see too many with a busy day. I have to say that I'm so excited it is David against David!!! I 'Woohoo'ed' and the fam was probably wondering what mom was so excited about as they were busily putting together Lego's upstairs. My cousin thinks David Cook is going to win but it is quite a toss up as both are so talented...and so loved. I'm just excited its come down to that. So, next Tuesday and Wednesday night you can bet I won't answer the phone if it rings- I'll be glued to my television! It's a rarity for me to watch TV so once this show is over life will resume to 'normal'!!!

1 comment:

Amie said...

I haven't watched AI since season 2 (except for the auditions, those are hilarious).

That is so sweet for the moms to give you a going away dinner! Our homeschool group is so huge (200 + families), I don't even know most of the moms.