Sunday, April 05, 2009

snowy sunday

I finally finished the last of the Twilight books. Now I want to finish up reading Edward's take on things online. I was sad to see it all end but I'm ready for a new genre of books for awhile! On my list are a book by Glenn Beck, Miserly Moms and Pride & Prejudice.

Last night I went to visit my friend Emily. It was such a wonderful time of fellowship, one that I really needed. We talked, broke out the Bible, drank tea, talked, prayed (Zach laughed and wondered how that could be fun!!! Men have such different ideas of fun than us women!). I honestly can't remember the last time I had such a blessed time with a friend. I came home feeling such peace as I haven't been very peaceful feeling lately! I praise God for putting the friends in my life that He has. It was exactly what I needed.

Today we have white stuff on the ground again. Oh how I wish for the south! It's nice in a way in that I feel all cozy warm in my house today. But I really am ready for spring and summer! I hope this doesn't last long!

Sweet Pea has been sitting so well lately! She is growing up way too quickly. She's such a delight! I think how boring life would be if I didn't have children!

Daisy's leg seemed better but today she was running and began crying. I may have to get that leg checked out after all. She gets the last of her shots tomorrow so we'll talk to the vet about it then. Poor pup. I thought maybe she was all better but she seems to have hurt it again. Drats!

I made Red Beans & Rice for dinner last night- something I never make! It was pretty good! I really must be missing the south, although I never did eat it while in the south! It's just such a southern dish! Tonight on the menu is Pizza Casserole.

It's been a relaxing Sunday. I didn't plan on going to church because of the weather and it was cancelled anyway. I vacuumed, did a few loads of laundry, read, the kids and I read the Bible and prayed (I would have sang with them too but I'm too croaky still). I haven't done much of anything and its nice. I needed a day like this to do nothing! Now I need to get school lessons ready for the week. It doesn't take long to do, but normally its met with interruptions so we'll see when I get that finished! I want to plan some Easter things for us to do this week also. It's hard to believe that its next weekend!


I am OK said...

Sounds like you had a pretty nice day. I love when God places friends just at the right time and the right place for us. I am so glad you are getting to know a new friend.

Miss you tons and tons! I am so glad you called today - it really meant a lot to me.

Love Jamie

Kim said...

So glad you met a really nice friend that you are able to get together with. I don't want to see snow ever again. Is this a lousy winter or what? I can't believe Easter is Sunday already. I hope it comes fast though, because I keep getting in the kids