Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I was also going to tell you about Zach. He's gone to Camp Shelby in MS until tomorrow night or Friday morning. That is where he'll be for like 5 weeks this summer when the cadets are training. Apparently its a roach haven there. He said he heard that when you turn on the light in the showers that the roaches just go scrambling. Sick. He said he was going to be taking sheets and pillows from the hotel because the ones at CS are roach infested. I am praying he doesn't take any of those little critters home! That is so sick!

In AL he was staying at a Marriott. What is it with the military and Marriott's? Anyway, I'm sure its much better than staying on the base like he did last time he was there. Last night he was sitting outside with some of the others and a roach went scurrying past. Yuck, yuck, yuck. ONE reason I don't like the south! Before we'd moved there I'd envision that you just see them walking along everywhere. That isn't quite the case but still. Although i do admit these days I'm really missing our house we owned in Ocean Springs.

Anyway, pray no roaches try to sneak into Zach's mouth or bag...


Kim said...

Oh My Goodness. Roaches! Bugs usually don't bother me but I think those would especially if there are so many of them.

I am OK said...

YUCK. I really hate roaches. We were completly infested with them in our first house on Bolling. When C would jump on the floor in his bedroom they would fall out of the vents on the first floor and they were HUGE! Some made noises and others just wouldn't die. It gave me nightmares. I use to sleep with all my blankets tucked around me - but then I would get waken up by the rats and vermin in the walls. Couldn't get out of that house fast enough!

Even one of those creatures is too much. JUST TOO MUCH.... I think I need a shower.

Darlene said...

Don't some eat those roaches? Maybe you can save them and drop them off to the beggars instead of giving them money you can give them a meal of roaches!