Monday, September 08, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

I have to be honest with you that I normally don't get much into 'politics'. But because Zach has been following things of late I've learned a bit. I was very impressed with Sarah Palin's speech. Anyway, this video was sent to me in an email and brought tears to my eyes (watch until the end). All I can say is 'Amen'.


Babyface74 said...

I had a feeling it would end like that. But wow! It still gets you.

Risa said...

That's great! When I see stuff like that I wonder if "Mr. Obama" actually sees it and if it touched him like it touched so many others. I have a feeling if he did see it it would just make him mad or he may even laugh at someones heartfelt attempt to explain what is on the hearts of so many American people. I'm not sure people like him can be reached.

Angel at Aduladi' said...

WOW! I certainly did tear up watching this! THANKS! Makes me want to put it on Facebook, LOL!